Browsing: Chakra Meditations

This guided meditation will help you balance your third eye chakra. Your third eye chakra is your center of intuition and awareness. Background audio is provided by world class composer Christopher Lloyd Clarke. Enjoy!

Your throat chakra is your center of communication. If your throat chakra is Weak or Blocked, it’s very likely that you won’t be able to communicate plainly with others. This audio will help you align your throat chakra. Background audio is provided by world class composer Christopher Lloyd Clarke. Enjoy!

Your heart chakra is the wellspring of love, warmth, compassion, and joy. Listen to the following guided meditation to heal and balance your heart chakra. This audio features background music by world class composer Christopher Lloyd Clarke. Enjoy!

Open your Root chakra by listening to this relaxing meditation audio narrated with a heartfelt female British voice. This audio features background music by world class composer Christopher Lloyd Clarke.

Your second chakra, known as Svadhisthana, is your center of creativity and sexuality. This guided meditation will help you open and balance your sacral chakra. This audio features background music by world class composer Christopher Lloyd Clarke. Enjoy!

This guided meditation will help you balance your crown chakra. Your crown chakra is your seventh chakra and sits at the top of your chakra ladder. It’s very powerful and forms your connection with what lies beyond, and your origins in the universe. If you often feel like you’re lost, or you don’t belong, then your crown chakra might be out of balance. As such, your crown chakra is related to the very reason of your existence and balancing it will help guide you in your decisions in life. Background audio provided by world class composer Christopher Lloyd Clarke. Enjoy!